Introducing Rupert

2013-04-01 17.40.42This is Rupert, the friendly Lion that came to Boyfriend and myself the day of April Fool’s (our anniversary).We had just spent most of Easter Sunday apart due to unfortunate circumstances and were finally able to enjoy a full day together. Like most Sundays, Boyfriend’s grandparents fix a special German lunch for whomever they expect to come over. Because neither of us had been able to make Easter Sunday, we had asked for April Fool’s (Monday) to be served lunch. But no, lunch is not where we found Rupert.

2013-04-20 14.36.10Instead of our original plans for our anniversary, we’d had lunch with Boyfriend’s grandparents and then spent some time walking the loop and gardens around Boyfriend’s house…just like him and his grandparents used to. The loop is in a valley of redwoods, which houses a public theater and barbecue/ picnic area. It is here, where we found Rupert.

A giant redwood had fallen some years ago and the public had decided to keep a remnant of it within the park. This trunk piece must have been 10 feet in diameter and was cut perfectly on both ends from when they hauled most of the log away. Rupert had been up at the top of this trunk for goodness knows how long alone, before Boyfriend found him. We took him around the rest of the small park and to the creek, before walking back home.A giant redwood had fallen some years ago and the public had decided to keep a remnant of it within the park.

This trunk piece must have been 10 feet in diameter and was cut perfectly on both ends from when they hauled most of the log away. Rupert had been up at the top of this trunk for goodness knows how long alone, before Boyfriend found him. We took him around the rest of the small park and to the creek, before walking back home.

Later that day, Rupert made his first appearance on camera (the first photo on this post). Can you guess where we went with him?

If the height from that tree trunk hadn’t been enough, Rupert came with us to heights even us humans were wary of. Boyfriend got us in the car, mentioning we were going to do something that terrified him. Turns out, he meant we would be going to attempt crossing the Golden Gate Bridge. Never mind how tall it is, they really like to psyche you out before you even step onto the bridge.

2013-04-01 17.36.53Free parking is on the opposite side of the bridge, so you have to go underneath the bridge to get to the visitor center. Not to mention, at the time we visited, they were doing reinforcement construction on the bridge so you had double noise going on. Going underneath gives you an eerie feeling because thousands of tons of concrete, metal bars and whatever else, plus all the cars going 40 mph are above your head. All of that means for lots of noise. Luckily, it is a short passing before you get above again.

I was starting to understand why Boyfriend said he was terrified of this adventure when we crossed underneath. Not only all the noise and weight above you, but you get to see just how high up that bridge really is from the water.

We gathered up some courage and started walking along the bridge. Hearing every thunk between bridge segments as cars zoomed past, in other words: lots more noise. After 50 or so yards along the bridge, comes the first viewing center: a welcome oasis away from the cars and noise, but also it felt more sturdy with a concrete pillar right beneath our feet. We took pictures (to the right) of Rupert.

2013-04-01 17.54.03Just after those few yards, the bridge had even myself nervous and so I took my boys the opposite direction. But we didn’t stop there. Next Rupert got to experience some gorgeous views that you would never experience just driving across the bridge. We went back to the visitor center where you can get a footing closest to the ocean before crossing the bridge. Like nothing I had ever seen before, even though I have lived just an hour from the city my whole 21 years of existence. With his back turned to me, Christopher hoisted Rupert into the air on the hand guard and snapped some magnificent photos for me to introduce.

2013-04-01 17.54.39

Rupert must sure be used to being vertical now. And that was Rupert’s first day with us.

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